Thanh-Danh Nguyen

Fullname: Thanh-Danh Nguyen   (Vietnamese: Nguyễn Thành Danh)
M.Sc., Computer Science Researcher at MMLab, University of Information Technology, VNUHCM, Vietnam
Email: info.danhnt (at) or danhnt (at)
[Full CV] (updated Sep 2024)


University of Information Technology, VNUHCM, HCMC Vietnam
  1. M.Sc. in Computer Science,     Dec 2021 - Dec 2023.
    Thesis: Camouflage Instance Segmentation via Highly-Distinguished Features
  2. B.Sc. in Computer Science (Honors Program),     Aug 2017 - Apr 2021.
    Thesis: Semantic Image Segmentation in the Dark with Domain Adaptation Method

Working Experience

  1. Lab. of Multimedia Communications, University of Information Technology, VNUHCM, HCMC Vietnam
    Official Researcher     Jun 2021 – present
    Undergraduate Research Assistant     Aug 2019 - Jun 2021
    • Research Computer Vision and its applications:
      – Semantic scene understanding, instance segmentation
      – Low-shot learning for object detection and instance segmentation
      – Conditional image generation and reconstruction
    • Host and join academic research projects
    • Give lectures on Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Applications
  2. VietAI Organization -, Vietnam
    Teaching Assistant     Oct 2021 – present
    – Operate AI courses: A-Star Bootcamp for Startups, Machine Learning, Train-the-Trainer, Advanced Computer Vision, etc.

  3. Sugimoto Lab., National Institute of Informatics, Japan -, Tokyo Japan
    Research Intern     Mar 2023 – Sep 2023
    – Research topic: Medical Image Instance Segmentation with Contrastive Learning
    (Advisors: Prof. Akihiro Sugimoto, and Dr. Nghia Le)

  4. City Science Lab. @Ho Chi Minh City - CSL@HCMC , HCMC Vietnam
    Data Science Engineer     Apr 2021 – Oct 2022
    – Collaborate with MIT Media Lab., L3-Cities Team to apply Cityscope Urban Analytics to HCMC
    – In charge of backend process for Urban Indicators Analytics


  • Computer vision, AI, machine learning, deep learning
  • Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Linux server techniques
  • Research and teaching skills

  • Awards and Honors

  • Best Student Paper Award at 2023 International Conference on Multimedia Analysis & Pattern Recognition (MAPR)
  • Scholarships for Excellence in GPA (top 3 students): Post-graduate (2022-2023)
  • Master Scholarship Programme of Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VinIF), code VINIF.2022.ThS.104, Dec 2022
  • Two scholarships for Excellence of Pony Chung Foundation in 2019 and 2020
  • Consolation Prize in AI City Challenge Ho Chi Minh City 2020: Vehicle Motion Counting
  • Scholarship for Excellence of BIDV Corp. in 2018
  • Scholarships for Excellence in GPA (top 8% of students): Under-graduate (2019-2021)

  • References

    Dr. Tiep Nguyen
    Head of the Lab. of Multimedia Communications, University of Information Technology, VNUHCM, HCMC Vietnam
    Contact: tiepnv (at)

    Assoc. Prof. Tam V. Nguyen
    Founder of Vision and Mixed Reality Lab., University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469, United States
    Contact: tamnguyen (at); website